Each pieces starts with a simple thought. This one simple thought then blooms into a story. Often these stories are inspired by people and fairytales I’ve heard growing up. I’m incredibly inspired by fantasy worlds, whimsical creatures and individuals. In each of my photographs, my subject is portrayed in a way that helps the viewer drift into a magical world.
Each model I elaborately dress to my vision. This model is then placed in each different frame to create well-crafted images. I’m a photographer who thrives on telling little stories through each photograph. I always look for surreal places, beautiful natural light and fantasy moments. These images all incorporate some type of manipulation. The manipulation is either through a darkroom procedure or post processing done online. With every image I spend hours stylizing the photo to my liking within Photoshop.
My motivation behind my work is to create surreal stories surrounding each model. I want my work to transport you to another world. This world is where fairies roam around and magic still exists. With each image you should grasp a sense of seeing a fairy captured in the moment.
- Jocelyn Ross

Morgan One, 2019
Digital photography
5” x 7”

Morgan Two, 2019
Digital photography
5” x 7”

Morgan Three, 2019
Digital photography
5” x 7”

Morgan Four, 2019
Digital photography
5” x 7”

Morgan Five, 2019
Digital photography
5” x 7”