2022 Fine Art Student Exhibition
Award Winners
Best in Show:
Pareidolia by JulieAnne Moreland
2nd Place:
Still Life by Katherine Harris
3rd Place:
Untitled Pelvis by Matthew Goins
Purchase Awards:
Untitled Torso by Matthew Goins
Bedroom Window by Diana May Rice
* click image for artist information

Cardiac Rebirth
Jade Bolton
Emily Moores
Juror of 2022 Fine Art Student Juried Exhibition

Emily Moores, MFA, is a professional artist, who has shown her work extensively both regionally and nationally.
Juror's Statement:
Thank you so much to all of the Sinclair art students for submitting artwork to this exhibition. The selected works for this exhibition are moving and have a wonderful feeling of energy. I was very impressed with the sense of depth, creative use of lines, and intriguing negative space. Some works had a feeling of mystery, while others had a sense of calm. All the works selected take viewers into another place.
While it was difficult to select Best of Show, Second and Third Place. Pareidolia, Still Life, and Untitled Pelvis use both abstract and representational elements to create a simultaneously other worldly and concrete space. Delicate shading and a playful use of space make these works an absolute joy to view. It was an honor to jury this exhibition.